Monday, April 27, 2009

Crash Boom Bang! Jangan Ikut Jalan Hitam

M back! What a terrible week I had last week. Pretty gory experience I would say. Kan da cakap xboleh hepi sangat nanti nangis! Last Thursday started out as usual. I was looking forward to breakfast @ café as it was Loh See Fun day. So, following my usual routine, I cilok mencilok cos the traffic was bad dude! So after mencilok I stick to the fast lane. The traffic started to flow smoothly. It was 8.53am. still early maaa… so I just kept going at 60km/h. Then, the silver Honda Civic in front of me brake suddenly. I managed to stop in time (See.. I wasn’t speeding!). Then I look at the rear mirror and saw this Iswara just kept on coming and coming and I could see the driver’s face clearly! The Chinese lady was panicking! Then GEDEGANG! And GEDEGANG again. I was tossed to the front more than once from the impact, but luckily my seatbelt was fastened securely. And my thought was;

‘apsal la aku ikut lane nih sengal?!’

Then I started the engine, OK, my Bug still bernyawa. Then I tried to move the car to the side to avoid jam (baek sungguh aku, memang berhemah la). But the car wouldn’t budge! Macam ada resaksa ala2 hantu tinggi yang berbulu2 sedang memijak2 belakang kete ku itu, nak kate kazenku Dhar, die kat dalam kandang mahkamah. Huwaaa….. cian Tumblebug aku tu! I looked for my phone, which was thrown to the front floor along with several lighters (bila masa aku ada simpan lighter???). Macam2 barang aku jupa hahaha. I got out and check out my Bug’s bum. Huhuhu… the impact left it’s bumper to curve inward and that stop the tires from rotating… ooo…lega hatiku ini. Ingat kan dah berkecai. Then I saw that stupid woman’s car. It was smashed to smithereens ! HAHAHHAA..aku suka, padan muka ko dumb bitch!

Bug's Bum
Bug's Plate Missing in Action

Then the Honda Civic driver (Chinese lady too) came over. She agreed that I didn’t hit her first cos she saw me stopped. So it was obvious that that stupid bitch yang bersalah dalam ini gambar. As we were talking, I heard someone babbling… oo..rupenya ada mangsa ke4. An Indian lady driving a kancil. Sungguh muhibbah kami semua. hahaha....

Then I called Dark Sky;

‘Hello you, I accident! Uhuk’ konon manja la


So I move on.

‘Baaaaaa, accident’ wailing a bit to add the drama.
‘Manja ok?teruk ke?’ Haa..response camtu la yang kite carik. Of course la…die bapak aku.

So he instructed me on how to proceed. I hang up je, dah ada longkai, Pullman and yang sewaktu dengannya kat kawasan kejadian. Aik! Pantas siot! Sebijik cam dalam 360 yang aku and Insan watched the week before. He helped me move the car to the side. He even puji aku xpanic...ermm... Dalam hati aku agak gelabah sbb dalam mind aku pas tengok 360 kt TV3 tu;


Tapi orang ramai time tu so aku relaxkan diri. After sume kete dah aleh ke tepi, aku nampak plate aku AEW 477 berkecai di atas jalan. Huhuhukk… tinggal A jek. Aku nak amek buat kenangan or suruh kawan aku beli number ni (3 nombor je. Boleh ke?) tapi aku kene langgar lak kang. Lagi naya. Dari kete je masuk spital, ngan aku2 lak masuk skali.

Then aku call misi_keamanan, tetapi die tengah ada misi di mahkamah. Then got a call from kakitangan. Cara die Tanya aku wat aku cuak lak… kete aku xhancur la..macam la ko xkenal misi_keamanan tu. Ahhaa.

Then after sweating over and dipujuk2 longkai Botak, Dark Sky arrived bersama Moskito. Lega la sikit. Then KakiTangan pon sampai. Naseb die ade, die la yang menjadi Kaki aku the whole day. Kire die jadi kakitangan aku la. Aku upah makan nnti k. hehehe

Panjang lagi la citer ni…nak citer sume ke StingRay??

Ba asked me to wait for the police to come and checked out the situation. Longkai Botak said no need as there were no injuries. But Ba being Ba, aku ikut jek. Then he told me not to follow those longkai. He’ll send tow truck from Tg. Malim to take the car to Police Station Tun H.S Lee then back to Tg.Malim, where my Tumblebug will get her XtremeMakeover. Hehe…

If ikutkan DarkSky, he wanted to send it to Puchong, workshop kawan barunya ‘Bro Botak’ hehe. Memang lagi mudah but I need to do the follow up. KakiTangan pulak suruh aku ikut cakap ayahku after berdiskas dgn misi_keamanan di mahkamah sana. Macho ah ko KakiTangan!

So me, DarkSky and KakiTangan je yang tinggal last2. Kaki aku dah berbelang from sunburn. We left the place around 11pm and went to Rishad. Nak tunggu tow truck Tg.Malim (cam lawak la…punya la byk tow truck kt KL ni). Risau gak kang Bug aku hilang tayar cos tinggal tepi jalan but tawakkal je. Cian lak aku kt kengkawan aku nak tunggu tepi jalan dengan aku nanti, sambil minum air bungkus yang KakiTangan offer nak beli... duduk bawah pokok tepi jalan. sambil di melihat kereta lalu lalang. menikmati angin sepoi2 bahasa dan asap kete.. ade macam Indon gak la.

Around 12pm, tow truck sampai and we went back o tempat kejadian. My Tumblebug yang cacat di ikat2 ke tow truck and aku excited amek gambar die. Hehe…ape daa…

DarkSky Overseeing the Process..Macho X?
Houston, we've got lift off! All Done
Dah settle, kami slowly bergerak ke Police Station Jalan Bandar. Kat balai polis, we followed the process. Time buat laporan agak funny cos ayat macam cib je. Who use motokar lagi nowadays??? Aku akhiri report aku dengan ‘ini aduan saya’ atas nasehat en KakiTangan. Then went to see Pegawai Penyiasat. He asked me;

‘berapa kali rase kene langgar’
‘2 3 kali gak la sebab saya rase kepala saya berdengung’ macam idgham maal ghunnah gak la..tambah aku dalam hati.

Soalan die sebijik macam bro Botak cakap polis akan Tanya. That shows that memang kete blakang yang hit aku dulu. Rationale nyer? Aku pon xtau…xsempat pikir.hehe. Then we went photographed the car. Got back inside the balai and amek salinan repot. All done around 3pm.

After that pulang. My car dah pulang dulu bersama tow truck. Xsempat aku mengucapkan selamat tinggal and sorry and kiss die get well soon…huwaaaa…. I’m sorry if I didn’t appreciate u enough before. I’m sorry for depriving u a good bath before, I’m sorry I’ve been neglecting your appearance. I’m sorry if I’ve been secretly admiring another car while stoppin’ at a red light. Yes, I may do all that but I want you to know, no matter what, you are still number 1! You r my ride babe! Cars come and go, but you are my Tumblebug! Muaaaxxx…Just hang on and we’ll get u all fixed up clean and nice!

DarkSky, thanks for being there and never leaving me alone and scared! U r like my solid rock!
KakiTangan, seriously thanks a bunch beb! I owe u 1 k.
Kepada kengkawan yang call and sms, thanks for the thoughts! Really appreciate it!

Thanks for the luv ya’ all.

Things Happen for Reasons...
p's: Sape2 warga Kinrara nak ke masjid bgtau aku eh. Ba suh aku hantar pisang ke pape ke sedekah... tanda syukur nekmat.



Blogger KakiTangan said...

no problemo :]

what a bad day. your bug is soo cute. cian tgk die jd camni..

April 27, 2009 at 1:34 PM  
Blogger cipan said...

hukhuk...cian kan?die xpernah saket cmni...mesti die takot dikelilingi strangers yang mengodek2 die.keke

April 27, 2009 at 2:39 PM  

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